Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Black pine development

This is the story of the development of one of my black pines or Pinus nigra. I got this tree in a trade with a friend in 2015. Since it has already spent a few years in the pot, I begun working on it the same year.

To je zgodba o enem od mojih črnih borov oz. Pinus nigra. To drevo sem dobil z menjavo s prijateljem leta 2015. Ker je bil že nekaj let v tej posodi, sem lahko takoj začel z delom.

The first task was to bring the foliage closer to the interesting parts of the trunk by benting it.  

Prva naloga je bila ukriviti krošnjo bliže zanimivim delom debla.

In 2016 I was invited to do a demonstration at the EBA exhibition in Hungary. I decided to bring my pine and style it there. 

Lani sem bil povabljen za demonstratorja na razstavi EBA, ki je takrat potekala na madžarskem. Odločil sem se, da bom delal na svojem boru.

After the demonstration.
Po demonstraciji.

This spring the pine got a new, more suitable pot.
Letos spomladi je bil presajen v drugo, bolj primerno posodo.

So, now it was time to deal with this tree again. Unwired and ready for new wire. 

Sedaj je bil že pravi čas za ponovno delo na drevesu. Stara žica je odstranjena in vse pripravljeno za novo.

I decided to change the front a bit to get better movement in the trunk and to hide the crossing. 

Odločil sem se, da nekoliko spremenim sprednjo stran, s katere se bolje vidi gibanje debla in da skrijem križanje pri zavoju.

And here is the finished tree.
In končni izdelek.

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