Here are a few glimpses from this past weekend from the 5th Bonsai & Kusamono Fest which was held in Hallein, Austria. Every time a very good atmosphere with great hosts and people from plenty different countries.
This time I was an official guest along-side some other big names in the European bonsai scene. And of course I exhibited a few of my trees.
Nova razstava je za nami. Minuli konec tedna je potekal že peti Bonsai & Kusamono Fest v Halleinu v Avstriji. To razstavo vedno spremlja odlično vzdušje, prijazni gostitelji in obiskovalci / sodelujoči z vseh koncev tega dela Evrope.
Tokrat sem se razstave udeležil kot povabljen gost, poleg nekaterih drugih pomembnih imen Evropskega bonsajizma. Seveda pa sem razstavljal tudi par dreves.