Thursday, February 11, 2016

Larix half-cascade rewired

This week I rewired my Larix decidua half-cascade. It was rewired for the third time now in 4 years. It is getting there slowly. I also decided to change the angle a little bit to improve the nebari and to loose the straightness in the middle part of the trunk.
This year I will have to find a nice pot for it. Something in about the same dimentions as the present pot. Maybe a square or a hexagonal semi-cascade pot. I'll know for sure when I see the pot.

Ta teden sem že tretjič v štirih letih ožičil svoj manjši polkaskadni macesen. Počasi se lepo gosti in bo kmalu pripravljen za kako razstavo. Poleg žičenja sem se odločil za manjši popravek v naklonu in s tem nekoliko izboljšal nebari, ter preprečil, da je srednji del debla popolnoma vodoraven. 
Letos bom prav tako poizkusil najti novo posodo. V mislih imam pravokotno ali 6-kotno posodo podobnih dimenzij. Nisem se še čisto odločil. Ko vidim posodo, bom vedel, da je prava.

Here is a photo from 2012, just before the first styling.

Še slika iz 2012, tik pred prvim oblikovanjem.

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