Here is a new project from NikArt bonsai studio. An upgrade on my
Quercus pubescens. I've had this tree for two years now and I was never really
happy with the top part of it. There also weren't quite enough branches
in the middle part. I tried grafting but was unsuccessful, just like the
previous owner. Some scars from unsuccessful past grafting attempts are
still visible on the trunk. Seems like this tree just doesn't want to
be grafted.
Therefore I decided for a drastic change in the design. I removed the top part of the crown and made a long jin out of it to keep some of the movement. So from now on the new crown will be made up from only one brancs so to speak and the tree will give a much more powerfull feel to it.
Therefore I decided for a drastic change in the design. I removed the top part of the crown and made a long jin out of it to keep some of the movement. So from now on the new crown will be made up from only one brancs so to speak and the tree will give a much more powerfull feel to it.
Predstavljam nov projekt iz NikArt bonsaj studia. Preoblikovanje hrasta. To drevo imam sedaj že dve leti in nikoli nisem bil povsem zadovoljen z zgornjim delom drevesa. Prav tako v sredinskem delu ni bilo dovolj vej. Sicer sem poizkusil s cepljenjem, vendar neuspešno, tako kot prejšnji lastnik. Nekaj zaceljenih ran, ki so ostale od prejšnjih poizkusov je še vedno vidnih. Očitno to drevo pač ne želi biti cepljeno.
Zaradi zgornjih razlogov sem se odločil dati hrastu povsem nov videz. Odstranil sem zgornji del krošnje in iz njega naredil dolg jin oz. suh štrcelj, s katerim sem ohranil nekaj gibanja v tistem delu. Novo krošnjo sedaj sestavlja ubistvu le ena veja, celotno drevo pa deluje veliko bolj mogočno.
The tree after the restyling.
Drevo po predelavi.
The tree before the top was remove.
Drevo pred posegom.
Visible scars from past grafting attempts.
Zaceljene rane preteklih poizkusov cepljenja.
The tree one year ago.
Hrast pred enim letom.