Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One less

I am starting to belive what others say, that communis' are difficult to be capt alive. This spring a communis of mine died for no reason.

The needles were compleetly dry.


Igorilla said...

What a pity, Nik! When did you collect this one and how many did you collect before?
I have heard that one has to be very patient with every action doing on this species.

Lp Igor

Nik Rozman said...

I had this one since 2008. It never grew much, but it was alive anyway. In autumn 2009 I styled it and in spring 2010 repotted it withouth removing any roots. Maby that was a mistake. Two actions too close together. Who knows...
I have two more common junipers. But those two are growing really well, so fingers crossed. ;-)


Igorilla said...

Thank you for reply! Please keep me posted about your other 2 junipers. Did you also collect them in 2008 - or later? I´m really nosy with this spcies now ;-) Too bad that I didn´t notice them at my last visit in your garden ...
Anyway, good success with it!


Nik Rozman said...

One I bought in spring 2010 and styled it last fall. And the other I dug out from the wild in SUMMER 2009 and than repotted it again in SUMMER 2010 - and still growing like crazy. I will probably style the second one this summer.
