This is how I got it in spring 2009.
The shari just above the nebari is just amazing. It is difficult to find something like this even on yamadori from the mountains. It gives an aditional feel of age.
This spring I turned all unnecessary branches into jins.
So, today my first task was to pluck all old needles for easier wiring.
And at the very end the wiring and styling needed to be done. In spring I will pot it into its first bonsai pot.
I ended a plesent bonsai day with coffie and a nice conversation at the place of the president of our club, Tomaz Kovsca.
You are right, you cannot find everywhere such Taxus.
What about the roots? Is it possible to get them into a sallower pot?
As I can see, the nebari part is quite wide, and as I can see you do not want to create a half cascade tree from it, right? So how can you solve this problem?
Best Regards
Hi Attila,
I think there will be no problems with the roots, since there are manny capilary roots.
No, I don't plan to make a half cascade, so I will try an oval pot, or maby even some sort of slab. We will see (and so will you)
But as I said there should be no problem with transplanting into a shallow pot. I think I will be able to do that in one, maby two steps.
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