One week ago the 18th edition of the Noelanders Trophy was held in the Belgian town of Genk, this time along side with the EBA & ESA exhibition.
If you are familiar with this exhibition you know just how huge of an event this is. But for those who are not familiar, let me just tell you there were about 200 bonsai exhibited, 80 traders selling their items and about 4500 visitors during the whole weekend.
Here are some glimpses. Only some overall photos of the exhibition since photography was once again not allowed.
Pred enim tednom je v Belgijskem mestecu Genk potekala že 18. razstava bonsajev Noelanders Trophy, tokrat združena z evropsko EBA & ESA razstavo.
Če poznate Noelanders Trophy, veste kako velika je. Za vse ostale pa lahko povem, da je bilo razstavljenih okrog 200 bonsajev, prodajalo je 80 prodajalcev in preko celega vikenda je razstavo obiskalo okoli 4500 obiskovalcev.
Spodaj je nekaj utronkov. Le nekaj potografij razstavnega prostora, saj je bilo fotografiranje razstave ponovno prepovedano.
The two ovrall winning trees. Juniperus sabina and Taxus cuspidata, both from Spain.
Zmagovalna drevesa. Juniperus sabina in Taxus cuspidata, oba iz Španije.
Best decidious.
Najboljši listavec.
Once again I was lucky enough to participate and exhibit a few of my own trees. Small shohin display for the Noelanders Trophy and Carpinus koreana for EBA.
Ponovno sem imel srečo sodelovati na razstavi. Na Noelanders Trophy-u sem razstavljal manjšo shohin kompozicijo, na EBA razstavi pa svoj korejski gaber.
This years demonstrators were Mitsuo Matsuda (JP), Daisaku Nomoto (JP), Salvatore Liporace (IT) and David Benavente (ES).
Demonstratorji tokrat so bili Mitsuo Matsuda (JP), Daisaku Nomoto (JP), Salvatore Liporace (IT) in David Benavente (ES).
Finally I also managed to visit the famous bonsai garden of Jean-Paul Polmans. Trully awesome collection.
Končno mi je tudi uspelo obiskati dobro poznan vrt mojstra Jean-Paul Polmansa. Resnično lepa zbirka.