Yesterday was just another day of working on bonsai. The main plan for the day was to give this friend's pine some more movement in the trunk. Here is the main description of what we did...
Včeraj je bil le še en dan, ko sem delal z bonsaji. Glaven cilj dneva je bilo krivljenje debla prijateljevega rdečega bora in s tem še nekoliko izboljšati njegovo gibanje. Tu je kratek opis postopka.
For starters, the trunk was wraped in wet cloth a day before to make it more bendable.
Kot prvo je bilo potrebno že en dan prej deblo oviti v mokre krpe. S tem se je lepo napojilo vode in postalo bolj upogibljivo.
Since the trunk was quite thick, the parts that were to be bent were hollowed out. The holes were then filled with wire to give the trunk some support during the bending.
Ker je deblo že dokaj debelo, sva ga na mestih, kjer sva imela namen kriviti, izdolbla. Luknje sva zapolnila z žico, ki služi kot dodatna upora.
This was followed by standard wrapping in rafia and then in another layer of plastic tape to keep the moisture in.
Sledilo je standardno ovijanje z rafijo in nato še en sloj plastičnega traku za boljše zadrževanje vlage.
And then the bending could begin.
In nato se je lahko začelo krivljenje.
We did the same procedure in a few places. Now the tree must rest for some time, after which the initial styling can begin.
Isti postopek sva ponovila na večih mestih. Sedaj mora drevo nekoliko počiti, nakar se mu bo lahko postavilo glavno strukturo krošnje.