This weekend for me was the official bonsai event season opening. I was fortunate enough to be invited to participate at the 3rd Miyabi Bonsai Ten in Italy. I was not only representing my club with a tree at the exhibition, but was also invited to do a demonstration.
Pretekli vikend se je zame začela sezona bonsajističnih dogodkov. V moje zadovoljstvo sem lahko sodeloval tudi sam in se udeležil, sedaj že tretje izdaje, razstave Miyabi Bonsai Ten v Italiji. Z bonsajem na razstavi sem zastopal svoj klub, žal kot edini predstavnik. So me pa organizatorji še naknadno povabili za enega od demonstratorjev.
My smokebush - Cotinus coggygria at the exhibition.
Moj ruj - Cotinus coggygria bonsaj na razstavi.
As it's already custom, there were several demonstrations from international bonsai masters going on alongside the exhibition on Sunday. The demo artists were Enzo Ferrari (CH), Luca Mazzuchin (IT), Andreas Geremia (IT), Alberto Testa (IT) and myself (SI).
I was working on a Pinus sylvestris, supplied by my good friend and assistant Jože.
Kot je že v navadi, so v nedeljo, vzporedno z razstavo, potekale demonstracije mednarodnih mojstrov. Demonstracije so imeli Enzo Ferrari (CH), Luca Mazzuchin (IT), Andreas Geremia (IT), Alberto Testa (IT), ter jaz (SI).
Jaz sem delal na rdečem boru, katerega mi je za demonstracijo posodil moj dober prijatelj Jože, ki mi je tudi pomagal.
My demo pine before and after.
Moj bor za demonstracijo, pred in po oblikovanju.
Overall it was a very nice event. Not a big exhibition, but the quality was pretty good. Sadly the whole atmosphere was a bit ruined by constant rain, but I will gladly visit again in the future.
Na splošno, razstava ni bila velika, vendar dokaj kvalitetna. Žal je celotno vzdušje nekoliko pokvaril nenehen dež, vendar se bom v naslednjih letih z veseljem vrnil.