Sunday, December 25, 2016

All the best in 2017!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Bonsai Withouth Borders global convention, Nanxun, China

I had been invited to Nanxun, China for the very first BWB & Black scissors global bonsai artists convention as the representative of Slovenia to set the platform for the bonsai world in the future and to do a demonstration. The event was held 7.-8. December.

Kot predstavnik Slovenije sem bil povabljen na prvo BWB in Black scissors konvencijo, ki je potekala 7.-8. decembra v Nanxunu, nedaleč stran od Šanghaja.

There were over 70 demonstrations going on simultaneously on a big stage, performed by artists from all over the world. 

Na ogromnem odru je hkrati potekalo preko 70 demonstracij mojstrov s celega sveta.

My demo.
Moja demonstracija.

Gala dinner.
Gala večerja.

Luckily there was some time to visit Shanghai.
Seveda pa se je našel tudi čas za kratek obisk Šanghaja.

It has been an amazing event and I am very honored to have been invited. See you next time!
Dogodek je bil resnično neverjeten in zelo sem počaščen, da sem bil povabljen. Se vidimo naslednjič!

Taxus & Juniperus 360°

Busy autumn

A very busy autumn is behind me and I am very sorry for my lack of posting new posts here on my blog. For anyone who likes to follow my work I post much more regularly on my Facebook:

Za menoj je zelo zaposlena jesen, zato se tudi opravičujem za pomanjkanje novih objav na mojem blogu. Vsi, ki me želite spremljati bolj redno, ste lepo vabljeni na moj Facebook profil, kjer objavljam bolj redno:

First of all at the end of October I attended the BonsaiFest in Samobor, Croatia. A small international event, organized by the local club. The exhibition was not big, but the quality was quite surprising. There were plenty of workshops related with Japanese culture and also a bonsai workshop with the Spanish El Tim. I was exhibiting two compositions at the event. My shohin composition and my big half-cascade larch, for which I recieved an award.

Kot prvo, sem se v koncu oktobra udeležil BonsaiFesta v Samoboru, poleg Zagreba. Lokalni klub je tam organiziral prvi tak dogodek, kjer se je predstavilo veliko veščin in umetnosti Japonskega porekla. Poleg njih so bili tudi bonsaji. Na ogled je bila manjša, vendar kvalitetna razstava, ter delavnica s španskim El Timom. Na dogodku sem razstavljal svojo kompozicio shohinov in moj pol kaskadni macesen, za katerega sem prejel nagrado.

I was working on quite a few of my trees and conducted workshops, lectures and beginner courses.
Here are some of my trees worth mentioning.

Poleg tega sem izvajal razne začetniške tečaje, delavnice, predavanja in seveda delal na svojih drevesih. Spodaj je nekaj bolj omembe vrednih.

Taxus baccata

Juniperus sabina 1

Juniperus sabina 2

Pinus sylvestris

And a couple of autumn photos for last.
In za konec še nekaj zamudniških jesenskih slik.

Monday, October 10, 2016

XIX. Czech international bonsai exhibition

I had the honor to have been invited to the XIX. Czech international bonsai exhibition which was held these past few days in Kroměříž. I was one of the demonstrators and also exhibited a few of my trees. I had an awesome time there with all my old and new friends. Thanks for having me!

Pretekle dni sem preživel na XIX. Češki mednarodni razstavi v Kroměřížu, kamor sem bil, na moje veselje, povabljen za demonstratorja, prav tako pa sem razstavljal nekaj mojih bonsajev. Imel sem se zares super v družbi starih in novih prijateljev. Še enkrat hvala za povabilo!

The awarded bonsai.
Nagrajeni bonsaji.

Pinus sylvestris, declared for best bonsai at the show.
Rdeči bor, razglašen za najboljši bonsaj na razstavi.

Among the awarded trees/compositions was also my shohin composition which wan a Czech nomination and Best shohin composition award given by our Hungarian friends.
Med nagrajenimi bonsaji je bila tudi moja kompozicija shohinov, ki je prejela Češko nominacijo in nagrado za najboljšo shohin kompozicijo s strani Madžarskih kolegov.

My second exhibited bonsai - mugo pine.
Moj drugi bonsaj na razstavi - ruševje.

My demonstration on a Pinus sylvestris.
Moja demonstracija na rdečem boru.

And of course a visit to Isabelia bonsai center was a must.
In seveda še 'obvezen' obisk Isabelia bonsaj centra.