The past days I have so much work with repotting, that I hardly find any time to post on my blog. Beside others I repotted 48 of my itoigawa juniper cuttings. These are one year old and all have roots now. I will use them for grafting or for future shohin.
A gardening fair is held this veekend in Celje, Slovenia. As every year, the Slovenian bonsai club was invited to have a small exhibition and to make some demonstrations. There are allways the same questions from the crowd: Why do you wire the tree? Why did you strip this branch?
The season of collecting yamadori is opened! So, the last weekend I collected a hornbeam and an ash from the local forrest. I cut those two shorter last year and so they have grown some long new branches.
PS: This is my happy face after a hard days work :)
This year the 4th International bonsai exhibit is held in the Congress center Mons in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It will take place on the weekend of 8th and 9th May 2010. Everyone is welcome!
As allways there will be lots going on. The main demonstrators will be Enrico Savini (IT) and Marek Gajda (PL). Besides them there will also be a few Slovenian demonstrators, me included.
It is snowing again. And I hope this snow will soon be gone, because I can't weith for spring to arrive. Meteorologists predicted 50 cm of new snow just today!!! Thank god they got it wrong as usual. Now we have about 3 cm of it.
This is an shohin-sized wild olive - Olea oleaster that I purchased this year at Noelanders Trophy in Belgium. (I think it eas pa pretty good bargin. =D) Anyway, so far I cut most of the unneccesary branches and repotted it yesterday. In a month or so I will give it a complete styling. You will get the report.