Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pinus nigra

I bought this pine not long ago. And now I knew it's not too late to style, so I styled it. Here is the story:

Before work

After tilting

After wiring and styling

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

3rd internatiolnal bonsai exhibition in Ljubljana, Slovenia

On the 17th and 18th May we held the 3rd international bonsai exhibition in Slovenia. This exhibition was the best ever. Menny threas, menny people. What could a man wish more.
Our demonstrator vas Vaclav Novak:

Our exhibition

On a workshop I styled this olive

Monday, May 12, 2008

EBA - Vienna

So, finally I am not that bussy, that I can tell you about the EBA event.
In Vienna was great! Everyone who was there knows why. There were menny most beutiful european treas and menny bonsai masters to see. And allso there vas - as every year- the new telent contest - NTC - where I represented my country Slovenia.
The best day was Sunday. On that day the bonsai masters had their demos: Adriano Bonnini, Vaclav Novak and Marc Noelanders.

the Slovenian treas

the slovenian tokonoma

W. Pall and W. Putz

I at the NTC - the beginning

the most beutiful trea of the exhibition