Sunday, January 29, 2012

January spruce

In these days I styled a smaller spruce. It's a yamadori spruce I collected last spring. Since it showd nice grovth I decided it is OK to already work on it.
For the beginning I had to remove all the dead an unwanted branches.

Spruce after cleaning.

Nebari close-up.

Natural shari.

This is it for now.
Unfortunately some branches were too week to work on because they did not get enough sunlight due to the dead branches and therefore had to be removed. Plus some branches were too long, and the branches that were left on the tree had a lack of remification. Therefore a detailed styling could not be done. So I only wired the main branches and put them in place.
Bare in mind that the first branch will be bent more to the front in the future and will come more to the trunk.

On the collecting day with this and a few other spruce on my beck.

1 comment:

Tóth-Szabó Balázs said...

Nice work! Very classical form! Could be easy a great bonsai for an exhibition!