This is a story of a juniper (juniperus chinensis 'gold lace'). I got it in Seeboden, Austria (first photo), where I gave it it's first styling (second photo).
And this is two months ago, when I had to style it again. I choose to completelly restyle it. This is the result. By the way it's 15 cm shorter.
The last thursday menny bonsai lovers met at the new bonsai garden from a memmber of the Slovenian bonsai club Rajko. The company was great and the food delicious. Unfortunally I forgot my camera at home so here's a link to some photos:
For me the exhibit that took place this weekend really was special. It took place this SUterday and Sunday in St. Veit, Austria. The Slovenian bonsai club also took helped at the exhibit with slovenian trees. I must say, everething was on a higher level then two years ago.
The place of the Slovenian trees. The speach. Tomaž in Andrej in action. This exhibition place is super. :) This tree sure is handy :-) And now why this exhibit was special for me. I receaved a special 1. price for my azalea in the big bonsai category. ROCK ON!